In an unprecedented move, the cattle and sheep moved from their over winter area onto lush green grass yesterday! I have never moved animals onto our perennial pastures so early, but the exceptionally warm temps spurred tremendous growth. We are grateful to be finished hay feeding and look forward to a long grazing season. The animals noticed me setting up fencing and quickly came when called to enjoy the salad bar. Below is a video of the sheep leaving the […]
Earlier this week Adam and I went for a walk in the woods where we pastured the pigs last summer. For the most part, it still looks like winter: A few dry leaves still clinging to otherwise bare branches. Blackberry canes thick with thorns and nothing else. Crumbling wallows where once the pigs mudded up on hot days. But if you squint a little you can see the slightest tinge of green on the ground. And if you get on […]
The Goshen News wrote an article featuring Clay Bottom Farm, some good friends of ours, and none other than your very own Blue Heron Farm! Thanks John Kline for a job well done. Check it out at:
You love local, sustainable food and now we have a great new way to get it to you: we’re now taking orders for Blue Heron Farm’s Summer 2012 Meat CSA. If ordering a half hog or quarter of beef was just too much food for your freezer or family, this is a convenient and streamlined way to get delicious pasture-based meats to your table. Members will get a monthly package of local, pasture-raised pork, beef and chicken, a corresponding recipe or two and […]
Happy New Year from Blue Heron Farm. Work continues on the farm even in the coldest parts of the year. The piggies are getting fat, the sheep are pregnant, and the cattle are eating lots of good hay. Our first batch of pigs for the new year will be ready in March. You can reserve your half or whole hog by contacting us. Or for more info check out the pork page.
We hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving turkey. We sure did! We also want to give a heartfelt (if belated) thank you to all of you who came out for our field day at the end of October. It was great to see all your lovely faces, take you around the farm, and share a meal with you. And the rain held off until the very end, so we’re thankful for that, too. So, one more time–thank you for your […]
Here’s a picture of the turkey we dry-brined according to the following recipe (ignore the delicious pork roast in the background). It was AWESOME. 1. Wash the turkey inside and out and pat it dry. 2. Sprinkle the inside of the turkey lightly with salt. Place the turkey on its back and salt the breasts, concentrating the salt in the center, where the meat is thickest. Sprinkle liberally, about 6 TB for the whole bird, so about 3 TB here. 3. Turn […]
Here’s our favorite recipe for leg of lamb, shamelessly cribbed from Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s book Meat, which has taught me more about what to do with meat than any other. And like Hugh says in the book – don’t worry about the anchovies, they’re just little bits of salty goodness, not too fishy. Ingredients: 1 leg or shoulder of lamb 3 large garlic cloves 4 anchovy fillets, cut into several slivers each (they’re in tins at Meijer and maybe the co-op) […]
We think our new piglets are pretty cute, but you can decide for yourself. Come meet our new friends tomorrow at the Blue Heron Farm field day. On Saturday from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM, we’ll be enjoying the sunshine, taking hay rides around the farm, and serving up a delicious meal inspired by this beautiful season: Pit Roasted Pork Loin Herbed Butternut Squash & Fingerling Potatoes Mixed Greens Baked Apple Goody Hot Spiced Cider Come join us! $15 per […]
Updated Menu: Pit Roasted Pork Loin Herbed Butternut Squash & Fingerling Potatoes Mixed Greens Baked Apple Goody Hot Spiced Cider Coming soon to a Blue Heron Farm near you–our annual field day featuring farm tours, good farm cooking, and general joviality for all! We invite you to join us for this most excellent event on Saturday, October 29 beginning at 11:00 am and running until 2:00pm. Bring your family, bring your friends and meet our turkeys, sheep, cattle, and hogs. […]