Tag Archives: livestock

Signs of Spring

Well, not many signs have arrived, but the first lambs of 2013 graced us with their presence this week.  And so I think of the rebirth of plants, green shoots and flowers, the return of song birds, and warmer days. We do have a sense of the dormancy of winter on the farm, but much like the bubblings under a frozen pond, work and planning for the year ahead continue.  We have ordered our first batch of chickens, arranged for […]

Turkey Love

Baby chicks sure are cute, but baby turkeys (called “poults”) are my favorite. Unlike skittish chicks, turkeys like people and will run toward you, rather than away from you, when you approach them. They do adorable things like cock their heads and poke at your wedding ring (shiny!) and they might even try to pull your hair.   Two years ago when we were raising turkeys for the first time, I fell in love with the tiniest, most pathetic of […]

How does the drought affect small farms?

Just yesterday I was thinking it was time for another rainstorm. Then early this morning I woke up to thunder rumbling outside my bedroom window, and the sacred sound of rain splashing the roof and running in the gutters. If you had told me two weeks ago that our grass would turn green again this summer, I would have scoffed. And yet after a week and a half of regular rain showers it looks like Goshen might recover from this […]