Author Archives: Adam

Leg of Lamb Recipe

Here’s our favorite recipe for leg of lamb, shamelessly cribbed from Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s book Meat, which has taught me more about what to do with meat than any other. And like Hugh says in the book – don’t worry about the anchovies, they’re just little bits of salty goodness, not too fishy. Ingredients: 1 leg or shoulder of lamb 3 large garlic cloves 4 anchovy fillets, cut into several slivers each (they’re in tins at Meijer and maybe the co-op) […]

Come out to the farm! We’ve got new friends…

We think our new piglets are pretty cute, but you can decide for yourself. Come meet our new friends tomorrow at the Blue Heron Farm field day. On Saturday from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM, we’ll be enjoying the sunshine, taking hay rides around the farm, and serving up a delicious meal inspired by this beautiful season: Pit Roasted Pork Loin Herbed Butternut Squash & Fingerling Potatoes Mixed Greens Baked Apple Goody Hot Spiced Cider Come join us! $15 per […]

Loading Pigs REALLY FAST

Next in our series of sped-up videos shot from the top of farm vehicles, here’s us loading the first two or three pigs onto our trailer for the trip to the butcher this Monday. Then the battery in my camera died. [vimeo w=640&h=360] This may seem like a pretty low-tech affair, but the corral and chute system we’re using now is highly evolved and the result of many dusty and exhausting hours spent not being successful getting pigs onto […]


Part of keeping pigs outside is rotating them to fresh pasture when they root up their current location. We’ve figured it that can be pretty easy if we let them get just a little hungry and then move the feed and water – they follow us right over, and we close the fence behind them. Here’s what that looks like… [vimeo w=640&h=360] The shot is of the new area – they had been to the left (you can’t quite […]

Baby Turkeys at Red Tail!

Here’s a video of some current farm residents – four week old Turkeys: [vimeo w=640&h=360] They’re in the high-tech brooder at Red Tail Farm in Goshen, waiting to go out to pasture in about a week.  They start slow, but they’ll be ready by Thanksgiving – we even have a few left, so sign up if you haven’t yet.